2008年7月3日 星期四

AN egg

An egg is an egg... Until it hatches...And then it is a chicken.
蛋 孵化 小雞
A branch is a branch...Until it breaks...And then it is a stick.
樹枝 折斷 木棒
Nothing stays the same. Everything can change.
A seed is a seed...until it is sown...And then it is a flower.

A block is a block...Until there are many....And then they become a tower.

Nothing stays the same. Everything can change.

Water is water...Until it is brewed...And then it becomes tea.

You are you...Until I come...And then you become "we."
你 過來 大家
Nothing stays the same. Everything can change.
The yard is green...Until it snows...And then it becomes white.
綠 雪
Day is day...Until it sunset...And then it is the night.
白天 夜晚
Nothing stays the same. Everything can change.
The baby was a baby...Until he grew...And then he is a boy.
小寶寶 男孩
But you can always be a baby...You will always be my baby.
